


Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

clinical waste

INTRODUCTIONIn efforts to boost the health of society, especially in large cities is increasing the establishment of the hospital (RS). As a result of hospital waste effluent quality are not eligible. Hospital waste can contaminate lingkunganpenduduk around the hospital and can cause health problems. It inidikarenakan in hospital waste can contain a variety of microorganisms in humans include fever penyebabpenyakit typoid, kholera, dysentery and hepatitis sehinggalimbah must be processed before being discharged into the environment (BAPEDAL, 1999)GARBAGE and hospital waste are all garbage and waste dihasilkanoleh hospital activities and other support activities. In general, waste and hospital waste is divided into two major groups, namely waste or non-clinical waste klinisdan either solid or liquid.Hospital waste, infectious medical waste in particular, has not managed properly. Most of the infectious waste management is equated with non-infectious medical waste. In addition, waste is often mixed with medical and nonmedical. Actually increase the mixing of the waste problem is medis.Yang including infectious waste, medical waste, radiological waste, and waste laboratorium.Limbah such infectious germs infected tissue. Type of waste should be burned, not buried, let alone thrown into septic tanks. Because the disposal of such tanks in Indonesia are mostly not qualify as a disposal site limbah.Kenyataannya, many tank disposal as waste disposal sites that do not qualify. It will cause pollution, especially in ground water that many people used to their daily needs. Poor management of hospital waste for waste management has not become a hospital accreditation requirements.

CHAPTER IOf all the activities of living things in this world, would result in two things and waste products.The product is the result of the activities of living things which his purposes to be used or diinginkan.Limbah is all the result of the activities of living things are mostly not used anymore, or in the exhaust.A. Clinical WasteClinical waste is all the medical activities that have been terkontaminasi.Bentuk variety of clinical waste and based on the potential contained in them can be grouped as follows:A. Sharps wasteSharps are objects or tools that have sharp corners, sides, edges or protruding parts that could cut or puncture the skin such as hypodermic needles, intravenous equipment, pasteur pipettes, broken glass, scalpel blades. All of these sharps have the potential hazard and may cause injury through a tear or puncture. Sharp objects that may be contaminated by the waste of blood, body fluids, microbiological materials, toxic or radioactive materials.2. Infectious wasteInfectious waste includes the following terms:• Waste related to patients who require isolation of infectious disease (intensive care).• Waste-related laboratory microbiological examination of clinic and treatment rooms / isolation of infectious diseases.3. Waste tissueWaste tissue covering organs, limbs, blood and body fluids, usually produced during surgery or autopsy.4. Cytotoxic wasteCytotoxic waste is material contaminated or potentially contaminated with cytotoxic drugs during compounding, transportation or the action of cytotoxic therapy.5. Pharmaceutical wastePharmaceutical waste can be derived from the expired drugs, drugs that are wasted because the batch that does not meet specifications or contaminated packaging, discarded medications by patients or discarded by society, drugs are no longer required by the institution concerned and waste generated during the production of drugs.6. Chemical wasteChemical waste is waste resulting from the use of chemicals in medical practice, veterinari, laboratory, sterilization processes, and research.7. Radioactive wasteRadioactive waste is material contaminated with radio-isotopes from medical or research use nukleida radio. This waste can be derived from, among others: the action of nuclear medicine, radio-imunoassay and bacteriological; can be solid, liquid or gas.B. Waste Non ClinicalIn addition to clinical waste from hospitals support activities also generate non-clinical waste or can be referred to as non-medical waste. Non-medical waste may come from the office / administration papers, a unit of service (in the form of cardboard, cans, bottles), waste from patient rooms, food waste disposal; kitchen waste (waste packaging, waste of food / groceries, vegetables etc) .Wastewater produced hospitals have certain physical characteristics, chemistry and biology. Hospital waste can contain a variety of microorganisms, depending on the type of hospital, the level of processing is performed before discharge and the type of existing facilities (laboratories, clinics etc.). Course of the kinds of microorganisms exist that are pathogenic.Hospital waste as well as other waste will contain organic materials and inorganic, the abortion rate can be determined by testing dirty water in general such as BOD, COD, TTS, pH, mikrobiologik, etc.

C. Biological wasteBiological waste is waste from the body or tissues of living things that have not been contaminated.Examples are:• Waste stool• Waste urine• Waste sputum• Waste of blood


WASTEHospital Waste Management of hospital waste in several ways. Yangdiutamakan is sterilization, which is a reduction (reduce) the volume, re-use (reuse) the first sterilization, recycling (recycle), and processing (treatment).
For clinical and biological waste treatment is almost the same, namely:A. All clinical waste and biological disinfection used, for example: in the laboratory of bacteriology.• For clinical waste, such as preparation, stick, sample containers, used for making preparations BTA soaked first in creolin.• For biological waste such as sputum, was first inserted in the liquid waste that is used to turn off the battery.2. All clinical and biological wastes are divided again into two, which can be used again and is not used anymore.3. For waste that is used, distrerilkan. Example in autoclaving.4. For wastes that are not used any more disposed to landfill.

Influence of Waste Environmental and Healtho Alteration in comfort and aestheticsIt's a color that comes from the sediment, the solution, the smell of phenol, eutrophication and taste of organic chemicals.o Damage to propertyCan be caused by the dissolved salts (corrosive, corrosion), muddy water, and so on which can degrade the quality of the buildings around the hospital.o Disturbance / damage to plants and animalsThis can be caused by a virus, nitrate compounds, chemicals, pesticides, certain metals and phosphorus nutrients.o Disruption to human healthThis can be caused by various types of bacteria, viruses, chemicals, pesticides, and metals such as Hg, Pb, and Cd from the dentistry.o genetic disorders and reproductiveAlthough the mechanism of interference is not fully known exactly, but some compounds can cause the disruption or destruction of human genetic and reproductive systems such as pesticides, radioactive materials.
Positive Impact of Hospital Waste ManagementGood influence of hospital waste management will provide positive impact on public health, the environment and the hospital itself, such as:A. Improve the maintenance of a clean and tidy condition, also increased surveillance and monitoring quality improvement at the same time the hospital will be able to prevent the spread of the disease (nosocomial infection).2. Sanitary and environmental conditions that will either cause esetetika comfort for patients, staff and visitors to the hospital.3. Clean nature also reflects the existence of social culture around the hospital.4. With a good management of the waste will be reduced also breeding grounds for insects and rodents so as the population density of vectors of disease transmission chain can be reduced.
Negative Impact of Hospital Waste ManagementImpacts arising from the management of hospital waste is not good or not sanitary could be:A. Decline in the quality of the hospital environment that can interfere and cause health problems for people living in the environment outside the hospital and the community.2. Medical waste that contains various toxic chemicals, waste is exposed to contamination and sharp objects can cause health problems in the form of occupational accidents or occupational diseases.3. Medical waste in the form of dust particles can cause air pollution that would cause the spread of germs and contaminated medical equipment or existing equipment.4. Medical waste management will lead to unfavorable environmental aesthetics are less unsightly to the comfort of patients, staff, visitors and surrounding communities.5. Liquid waste is not managed properly can lead to pollution of water sources (surface soil) or environmental media and become breeding sites pathogen microorganisms, insects that may be transmitting statement, especially kholera, dysentery, abdominal thypus.Waste water which has physical properties, chemical and bacteriological contamination that could be the source and cause unpleasant odors and unpleasant sights, if not managed properly.

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